Modern India lavishes its attention on women. With the gender ratio getting skewed, women are in the numerical minority, and thus there is greater attention and resource allocation for women. Slowly but surely, the traditional partiality towards boys is getting replaced with a sense of gender equality, particularly in urban areas: mainly the metros and Tier 1 cities/towns. And women are shoulder to shoulder to men in earnings...these trends have ensured a growing market for women oriented products – for instance, the derma and hair care products, and beauty products are showing great growth.
Women’s Horlicks is targeted to women of the age group of 19 to 50 years; thus, Women’s Horlicks is targeted at these phases of a woman’s life: adolescence – young woman - menopause. Women's Horlicks offers micronutrients to help in anemia management and osteoporosis (remember low back pain is one of the first signs and symptoms of osteoporosis and is more common in women). Mother's Horlicks in the meantime addresses the needs of pregnant and lactating women through the prescriber's pen.
To further bolster the establishment of Women's Horlicks, one can air, actual users sharing experiences, and start an online campaign to reach out to netizens who would gladly put their money in favor of purchasing Women's Horlicks. Social media marketing can put exciting focus on brand development of Women's Horlicks.
A discount coupon scheme (encashable with repeat purchase of Women's Horlicks) can strengthen repeat purchases and thus aid brand establishment. Or the doctor can be involved in providing the endorsed (with her signature) discount coupon.
One more aspect that can be highlighted is the fact that Women's Horlicks strengthens eye health, which gets affected with aging.
All in all, the timely launch of Women's Horlicks (riding along with Mother's Horlicks) will help boost the sales, and contribute to the health of the balance sheet of Glaxo SmithKline Consumer Healthcare; and help contribute to women's healthcare...
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